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About Us

            Meet The Trainers

I can’t remember a time during childhood when I wasn’t throwing, bouncing, kicking, a ball. If it wasn’t one of those three, I was surely tumbling, (or doing handstands in my parents living room.) I was what you might call “enthusiastically active”. When I entered middle school I naturally gravitated towards organized sports.  I participated in basketball, cheerleading, track, cross country, volleyball and tennis just to name a few. High school was no exception. I loved the challenge that each activity brought, and through this I cultivated discipline and a competitive edge.

Although I experienced the rigor of sports at a young age, I have also been on the other side of that spectrum. A side of inactivity and time constraint.  When I entered college, the pace of life had shifted dramatically for me due to my new-found academic goals. The late-night study sessions were accompanied unhealthy snacks and sugared soft drinks. I soon became quite familiar with the “freshman 15” I was told to avoid before the semester was even over. Those late night eating habits creeped their way into my adult life and lingered post graduate school. I wasn’t happy and I knew that I needed to make some changes. I soon then made a decision to forsake my unhealthy way of living and start fresh.

Taking the first step towards transforming my body took courage, but I soon developed a love and enthusiasm with the process. Transformation is not a decision that you make one day, it’s a decision that you make every day in order to reach your goal. Habits are hard to break but I was determined to change mine until new habits became second nature. I am a living testament that a healthy way of living will not only transform your body physically but also your mind psychologically.

Like you, I enjoy various types of food, I love to travel, I enjoy the company of friends and family, I am you. I also know the detriment of unhealthy habits and wanting change but struggling to find the will to begin transformation.  Take your first step towards a healthier lifestyle today, and take a step every day after to build strength and instill confidence from the inside out. If I can do it, so can you!


- Victoria 



My fitness journey started way before I decided to make a conscious effort to live a heathy
lifestyle. I grew up playing just about every sport imaginable; basketball, football, soccer,
baseball, swimming, muay thai martial arts etc. At the age of 14 is when I began to lift weights
seriously. Due to athletics I was able to grow my knowledge on lifting weights at an accelerated
rate, and this allowed me to lift without supervision. By the age of 15 I was I knew enough to
alter my body composition and increase my athletic performance. I have been fortunate to play
sports, basketball in particular, at the high school, collegiate, and professional level. Basketball
was able to pay for my college education and has allowed me to travel to various states and
countries. I’ve played both in Europe and domestically for the Boston Celtics NBA G-League


Being a collegiate and professional athlete has instilled in me an unrelenting work ethic.
Although I no longer play professional sports I continue to train as hard and even harder than my
playing days. Training has become a part of my identity, lifestyle and DNA. Since retiring I have
also been able to further my education on training by attaining various certifications. It is one
thing to be told which exercises to do but to understand why you are doing them proves to be
beneficial. This was the motivating factor for me to further my understanding of training. My
knowledge encompasses general personal training, corrective exercise, sports performance
training, and nutrition.


Through the knowledge I have acquired there is no demographic who
cannot be catered to from kids, young adults, middle aged, elderly, disabled and athletes.
The mission of this brand is to change lives by instilling confidence and creating a healthier
lifestyle. Take your first step towards a healthier lifestyle today, and take a step every day after
to build strength and instill confidence from the inside out!









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